

You can be confident that our staff will not only be qualified and have the knowledge required to work efficiently on your site, but they will also have undertaken the necessary inductions and medicals ahead of arriving. Our staff will integrate seamlessly into your operation delivering safe and productive outcomes. We can supply our customers with many types of high-quality people, including;

• Auto Electricians

• High Voltage Electricians

• Boilermakers

• Tyre Fitters

• Serviceman



• Planners

• Workshop Fitters

• Digger Fitters



The capability of our people is of high standard. They will strive to understand your immediate and exact requirements and meet your expectations safely and efficiently. Our people can provide;

•Scheduled servicing and repairs

•Midlife and PCR (Planned Component Replacement) programs

•Fault diagnosis and repair, of mechanical, hydraulic and electrical systems

•Labour for annual and sick leave coverage

•Emergency breakdown labour

•Equipment relocations, and commissioning

•New equipment builds

•Engineering, supervision and planning/reliability

•Steel fabrication and repairs


Our Teams Safety

The safety of our people is the number one priority. Our business is offering life changing career experiences but our non-comprising priority is to ensure that our people arrive home safely everyday. There is no more important goal than zero harm.

Here at AAMG, safety is at the forefront of everything we do. We all need to place the highest value on ourselves, our team and our wider community in every action we do.